Grand Orientals - Yenidje Highlander

Moderator: Cinabru

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Grand Orientals - Yenidje Highlander

Mesajde zudo » 07 Apr 2011, 20:57

[quote]Taste this blend and discover why this particular classic Xanthi (the Yenidje of old) with its refreshing sweetness is know as "The Queen of Tobaccos". Highland is the one blend so far in the Grand Orientals Series using Latakia. It is a classic mixture of the finest mountain grown Yenidje with both Cyprian and Syrian Latakia and just enough Matured Red Virginia and mellow Maryland. This is a smooth cool-smoking oriental mixture of outstanding character. Our inspiration was a vintage tin of the old Balkan Sobranie.

Singurul blend din seria capodoperelor Grand Orientals de la McClellend ce contine nu unul ci ambele ingrediente divine din specia Latakia - dedicata exclusiv pipei. Prezenta latakiei se face simtita olfactiv, atat la deschiderea cutiei cat si in timpul fumatei, fara sa domine orientalul. Acelasi oriental de cea mai buna calitate, din familia hranita de meleagurile levantului, cu note misterioase de tamaie, halva si nuca. Blenderul gaseste o cale de compromis ce poate nu e pe placul latakistilor inraiti dar care pune in valoare exact ce si-a propus: faurirea unui tabac cu adevarat oriental, tridimensional, in care orientalul si latakiile se exprima la modul superlativ, fiind ajutate de virginiile cele mai potrivite.
Umiditatea, aprinderea, arderea, condensul si scrumul sunt fara cusur.
Oare cum era vechiul Balkan Sobranie ?
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Membru din: 04 Feb 2009, 21:48
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