de BAIJ » 26 Dec 2012, 00:02
- classic samsun.gif (21.26 KiB) Vizualizat de 5775 ori
"Samsun grows in the Black Sea region of Eastern Turkey. We have secured the finest Samsun Maden-Canek leaves. They are small, thin and elastic with a mellow, pleasant, distinctive aroma. Their sweet taste is like the sweetness in a nut meat or sunflower seed. They come from the hinterland of Samsun, mainly to the West of the Yesih Irmak River delta where the climate is very similar to the best Macedonian and Thracian growing areas. Samsun and all classic Oriental leaves are picked one-by-one as they ripen, like flue-cured Virginias."
Alt oriental de exceptie, de patru stele.
Auriu la aspect, taiat marunt, umple frumos pipa si arde usor si rece cu minim de aprinderi.
Trebuie savurat pe indelete ca sa isi etaleze gustul dulce-picant cu iz de nuca. Virginia, de calitate si ea, are doar rol de fundament.
Taria nicotinica este redusa, iar mirosul lasat in camera e acceptabil.
Acum, la terminarea cutiei nu pot sa spun decat ca mai vreau una!