de zudo » 07 Iul 2011, 16:08
[quote]The Waccamaw River meanders through the eastern Carolinas, part of the Pee Dee River basin, a region intertwined with the history of tobacco for three centuries. What finer homage to this heritage than a rich, hearty Virginia flake? Bright leaf serving as the base is typical of the tobaccos grown in this region, while beautiful Red Virginias lend it sweetness and structure. Perique and a dash of exotic Izmir leaf complete this complex, satisfying flake.
Continut: Virginia (red & Bright), oriental (Izmir) si perique
Taietura: Flake
Descrierea este o poveste frumoasa, un exemplu de P.R. dar, din pacate, imaginea idilica nu se regaseste si in continut. Ori toate minunatele ingrediente sau contopit in timpul fabricatiei intr-un mod nefericit, ori lipsesc cu desavarsire. Aroma este plata si monotona, semanand oarecum cu un tabac de trista amintire: Germain's Brown Flake. Mai putin taietura. Pe deasupra mai si pisca daca nu esti atent, si nu ai cum incercand sa percepi ceva din chestia asta.
Low country - low budget. Wacca-macca !